Still with me? Great! Let’s dive into the full review! Because you’re already the type of person who knows that your domain name is your name on the Internet – and it matters who provides it. I’ll break the review down to 6 categories that actually matter – price, user experience, interface, extras, upsells, and principles. Price Domain name providers are pretty notorious for having intro pricing…then raising the price on you to make money ongoing. So for me the best way of judging apples to apples is to look at their 1 year renewal pricing for .com domain names. GoDaddy runs at $14.99/yr for .com domains. Namecheap runs at $10.69/yr for .com domains. Ok…but suppose you really just want to save money right now. In that case, GoDaddy wins with their deep discounting. This link goes to a GoDaddy promo for $1.69 .com domain names, while this link to Namecheap gets you a .com for $10.69 (but with WHOIS Guard and email thrown in). So – GoDaddy or Namecheap? Well, if you are planning on running your website for more than 2 years – Namecheap. But, if you are just trying to claim a name fast, and don’t mind transferring it later – then GoDaddy will save you a few bucks. But, as you may have guessed – there’s more to a domain name provider than just price.

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